
Metaphor: Pig & Chicken

在Scrum裡面有用到一個 pig & chicken 的隱喻 來說明 project 內的參與者

pig - 指的是犧牲、奉獻並對project最終成敗負責的相關角色

chicken - 指的是project的參與者,不必負最終成敗的相關角色

還有 rooster / gamecock 的角色(鬥雞),這些人 光放屁 提出的意見對project的產出有負效果


以下是這個metaphor 的緣由

A number of roles are defined in Scrum. All roles fall into two distinct groups—pigs and chickens—based on the nature of their involvement in the development process. These groups get their names from a joke about a pig and a chicken opening a restaurant:[5]

A pig and a chicken are walking down a road. The chicken looks at the pig and says, “Hey, why don’t we open a restaurant?” The pig looks back at the chicken and says, “Good idea, what do you want to call it?” The chicken thinks about it and says, “Why don’t we call it ‘Ham and Eggs’?” “I don’t think so,” says the pig, “I’d be committed, but you’d only be involved.”

So the “pigs” are committed to building software regularly and frequently, while everyone else is a “chicken”—interested in the project but really indifferent because if it fails they’re not the pigs—that is, they weren’t the ones that committed to doing it. The needs, desires, ideas and influences of the chicken roles are taken into account, but are not in any way allowed to affect, distort or get in the way of the actual Scrum project.

ref: wiki Scrum



Notes: ASP.NET Diagnostics

1. Perfmon - windows 內建的 performance monitor

2. IIS Log + Log Parser -> 分析執行時間過長網頁
a. 加入 time-taken log 欄位
b. 安裝 Log Parser, 下 query 統計查詢:

logparser "select top 10 cs-uri-stem, time-taken from ex071105.log group by cs-uri-stem order by time-taken desc" -q:on

3. 安裝微軟 Debug Diagnostic Tool v1.1
a. 可透過 wizard 設定要監控的網址及效能門檻植,並在超過門檻時 進行相關process 的 memory dump, 並透過該工具內建的script 進行分析以產生報表 (可 check memory leak, application hang的問題)
b. 可自製 Debug Diagnostic Service 使用的 script ( C:\Program Files\DebugDiag\Scripts\DbgSvc.vbs) 來自定 trigger core dump 的時機,如 當 Performance Counter 中的 Request Execution Time 超過一定時限時,trigger core dump ),範例可見 C:\Program Files\DebugDiag\Samples\ControlScripts\PerfTriggers\ASPNETExecutionTime\DbgSvc.vbs

ref: http://blogs.msdn.com/debugdiag/

4. 透過 request based tracing

How to Trace Requests for a Specific URL or Set of URLs (IIS 6.0)
How to Create a Provider File for Request-Based Tracing (IIS 6.0)
How to Process and View Trace Log Files (IIS 6.0)
